Demand More
from your EAP

We're hearing from HR Directors across the country that their current Employee Assistance Program is falling short. Their employees are simply not getting the help and services they need during these stressful times.

Keep reading to learn about the extensive resources we can offer your employees and request a quote for more information.

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Reasons to upgrade your EAP:

We offer unlimited in-the-moment telephonic counseling with all calls answered directly by counselors. We only hire counselors with Master and PhD-level degrees and years of clinical experience.

Our added benefits include thousands of online trainings, certified coaching, our extensive Self-Help Resource Center and an entire menu of management focused solutions to help minimize costs and maximize productivity.

  • One-on-one Professional Coaching Programs
  • Comprehensive Online Training Center
  • Unlimited Wellness Coaching
  • Certified Financial Coaching
  • 3 times as many employees use our EAP vs a traditional EAP
  • 98% of employers and employees are satisfied

We Have The EAP That’s Right For You

TotalCare EAP

TotalCare EAP is the most comprehensive Employee Assistance Program anywhere. In addition to superlative counseling services and comprehensive benefits, we offer self-help tools to address everyday issues that our Members face.

  • Tools for Tough Times
  • Parenting Resource Center
  • Career & Education Resources
  • HR and Supervisors' Resources
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Public Safety EAP

Public safety and first responders are different. They put their lives in jeopardy every day. They have different stressors. Public Safety EAP is designed to provide our core EAP benefits and to address specific issues that public safety personnel and their families face every day.

  • Public Safety Family Matters
  • Mental Health Issues for First Responders
  • Challenges of Military Deployment & Homecoming
  • Budget Helpers for Public Safety Personnel
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HealthCare EAP

HealthCare EAP is designed to provide our comprehensive EAP benefits, as well as to address unique issues facing personnel in the healthcare industry. These include issues that hospital staff, nurses, doctors, aides, technicians, and support staff face both on and off the job.

  • Workplace Safety & Violence in Healthcare
  • Patient & Family Challenges
  • Money-Saving Tools & Tips for HealthCare Workers
  • Cultural Competency, Health Literacy & Communication Challenges
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Educators’ EAP

Educators EAP was designed to address the challenges that teachers and school staff face every day while carrying out their important mission. It includes our comprehensive core EAP benefits and a targeted menu of resources addressing the unique professional issues that educators face.

  • Managing the Classroom
  • Parental Challenges Resource Center
  • Budget Boosters for Educators
  • Bullies & Bullying
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Higher Education EAP

Higher ED EAP was designed in recognition that the educational and campus environment is a unique workplace with unique challenges. It offers all our core benefits, while also providing tools and resources that address issues faced by Higher Ed faculty, staff and the campus at large.

  • Classroom Management & Teaching Resources
  • Campus Issues: Risk Management & Prevention
  • Student Problems & Issues
  • Grants, Fellowships & Awards
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Our Clients

“As the Director of Human Resources, I was looking for a comprehensive EAP program to meet our diverse needs. For more than two years now, ESI has exceeded our expectations by providing personalized and effective services.

Our utilization is up over our previous EAP – largely due to the excellent educational programs offered through ESI. Our employees are extremely pleased by the wide range of services offered and feedback continues to be positive. All matters are handled in a capable and confidential manner. I consider ESI to be a true leader in Employee Assistance Programs."

Page Southerland Page, Inc.

"We have worked with ESI for over 10 years and developed a great working relationship. Our employees appreciate the many resources available to them to navigate personal issues. Supervisors utilize the professional training courses offered.

We have found the administrative referral process very valuable for both employees and supervisors. When working through an administrative referral ESI staff is responsive, supportive, knowledgeable and keeps the HR staff informed throughout the process."

Illinois Wesleyan University

"ESI has been the Employee Assistance provider for Signet, LLC/UpNine, LLC for over 10 years. Our employees have come to trust and rely on ESI to deliver quality care and resources in a confidential and professional manner. Each year we have seen our utilization rate continue to climb, to a rate of almost 43% last year.

Like all companies, some of our employees will face difficult problems or circumstances in the coming year and not know where to turn. We recommend ESI to our team members without hesitation, knowing they can find assistance 24/7/365, whatever the issue ."

Signet, LLC/UpNine, LLC

Our Clients

"As the Director of Human Resources, I was looking for a comprehensive EAP program to meet our diverse needs. For more than two years now, ESI has exceeded our expectations by providing personalized and effective services.

Our utilization is up over our previous EAP – largely due to the excellent educational programs offered through ESI. Our employees are extremely pleased by the wide range of services offered and feedback continues to be positive. All matters are handled in a capable and confidential manner. I consider ESI to be a true leader in Employee Assistance Programs."

"ESI has been the Employee Assistance provider for Signet, LLC/UpNine, LLC for over 10 years. Our employees have come to trust and rely on ESI to deliver quality care and resources in a confidential and professional manner. Each year we have seen our utilization rate continue to climb, to a rate of almost 43% last year.

Like all companies, some of our employees will face difficult problems or circumstances in the coming year and not know where to turn. We recommend ESI to our team members without hesitation, knowing they can find assistance 24/7/365, whatever the issue ."

"We have worked with ESI for over 10 years and developed a great working relationship. Our employees appreciate the many resources available to them to navigate personal issues. Supervisors utilize the professional training courses offered.

We have found the administrative referral process very valuable for both employees and supervisors. When working through an administrative referral ESI staff is responsive, supportive, knowledgeable and keeps the HR staff informed throughout the process."

Page Southerland Page, Inc.
Illinois Wesleyan University
Signet, LLC/UpNine, LLC

More Benefits, Better Results =
More Help for You & Your Employees

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